martyrs (2008)-review

kelly casey
Oct 16, 2020

spoiler-free synopsis:
15 years after a girl escapes brutal torture, she tracks down her tormentors.

this movie has a reputation for being pretty messed up, so watch at your own risk.
i didn’t think it was too terrible, but i’m not sure i’d watch it again any time soon.

it’s a brilliant film.
stunning cinematography.
powerful imagery.
some pretty good practical SFX.
but it’s one of those movies that makes me uncomfortable recommending it to others.

this is a brutal body-horror squirm-fest
and it’s the absolute definition of french extremist cinema.
but i also have…just…so many questions about the details and backstory that i’m aching for the answers to.

my main takeaway is that rich white people are NUTS.

4/5 scars.



kelly casey

i like long walks to the horror section of the movie store and pretending like i’m using my degree by writing these reviews.