host (2020)-review

kelly casey
Oct 16, 2020


spoiler-free synopsis:
a group of friends decide to spice up their weekly zoom call with a seance.

this movie was making the rounds in a bunch of the horror movie FB groups i’m a part of.
and the general consensus is that it wasn’t great.
so i obviously had to see for myself.

the more elitist reviewers hated this.
the plot is ridiculous.
which can usually be waived if it’s a fresh concept.
however, this has been done before with “unfriended” (and “unfriended 2”).

it’s a short movie — a little under an hour.
so you won’t waste much time if you do watch it.
there’s not much to it in terms of plot or character development.
it’s like sitting in on a zoom call with a group of friends, so that makes sense.
there are a few creepy bits-and maybe a jump scare or two.
but it’s mostly a little ridiculous.

it’s ok to like shitty movies!
and while this has decidedly been categorized as a shitty movie…
i had a good time watching it!
i was entertained!
and isn’t that really the metric by which we should measure whether a movie is good?

so…yeah. idk.
take that however you want. 😂

2/5 scars.



kelly casey

i like long walks to the horror section of the movie store and pretending like i’m using my degree by writing these reviews.