behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon (2006)-review

kelly casey
Oct 16, 2020

behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon.
on amazon prime and shudder.

spoiler-free synopsis:
a group of graduate students make a documentary about the preparation and planning that goes into the role of an actual horror-movie-style slasher.

i came by this underrated gem when i worked at a movie rental store in college.
i had just started and decided i’d make my way through the entire horror section — no matter how shitty or ridiculous the film.
i had always loved the genre and got to take them home for free!
behind the mask was pretty early on in my take-homes and informed so much of how i view horror now.

even though this was released in 2006, it’s definitely got some 90’s style (in the best way!).
and has a few stars in the cast.
robert englund plays a doctor loomis type; scott wilson plays an old-timer slasher mentor; and kane hodder even makes a brief appearance.

i picked it to watch with some friends and am happy to report that even after 14 years, it still holds up!
and it’s such good fun.
i want everyone to watch it so we can catapult this to the cult classic status it deserves!

4/5 scars.



kelly casey

i like long walks to the horror section of the movie store and pretending like i’m using my degree by writing these reviews.